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  Grid Couplings

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SAMT specialise in the supply of grid couplings at compeitive prices and quick delivery times. 

Grid type flexible coupling reduces vibration by as much as 30%, and cushions shock loads to safeguard your driving and driven equipment. The flexible nature of the spring like grid absorbs impact energy by spreading it out over time, thus reducing the magnitude of the peak loads. This is possible because of the progressive contact that occurs between the curved profile of the hub teeth and the flexible grid.

The movement of grid in the lubricated grooves accommodates parallel misalignment and steel permits full functioning of the grid-groove action in damping out shock and vibration.
Under angular misalignment, the grid-groove design permits a rocking and sliding action of the lubricated grid and hubs without any loss of power through the resilient grid.
Unrestrained end float for both driving and driven members is permitted because the grid slides freely in the lubricated grooves. It can also be limited to any required amount.
Torsional flexibility is the taper grid couplings to torsionally deflect when subjected to normal shock or vibratory loads, providing accommodation to changing load conditions.

Grid couplings are designed for versatility. Common hubs and grids are used within a given size range for both horizontal and vertical split cover models. Grid installation and replacement can be done without moving the hubs making maintenance very easy.

Horizontal and Vertical Covers are both available.

Boring and key for all grid couplings available at our wrokshop.

SAMT is a specialist manufacturer, importer and Supplier of Power Transmission Products. Special orders and customised requirements available. Many brands & types of couplings available, we can also interchange many brands to supply couplings in quick delivery times. 


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